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Two if by Sea, Three if... (2014)

A spambot program, (which harvests e-mail addresses from the internet and then sends anonymous mass e-mails to their owners) was used to disseminate a 3D-printable file of a horse and rider. The imagery, as well as the title, are meant to evoke Paul Revere and his mythic ride to warn of the coming British forces. Drawing off of that history, this work is instead a call-to-arms about the nature of agency and control within the digital realm. As the associated technologies advance, (including the transition back into the physical via 3D printers and other devices) it becomes necessary to question what role(s) they will play and who will be in control of them. The multiplicity of the horse and rider shows off the potential of the technology, while simultaneously making this incarnation of Revere's ride more ambiguous, with neither the destination nor the enemy in question clearly defined.


Within the gallery an animation was projected onto the wall, showing the horse and rider rotating slowly on their axis. At the far end of the space, a small 3D print was displayed upon a plinth. The disparity in size between projection and print highlight the extreme mutability of the mediums involved.

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